Advanced User Profiles

Create profiles for users in your Institution
Advanced User Profiles

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Keep track of your people

Tag users

Add metadata to user profiles for anything you want like grade level, location, preferred language, subject proficiency or anything else.

Filter users

Filter users and generate reports based on their role or any tags you've added to their profile.

Create worfklow rules

Create business logic based on user profiles and tags, like assigning students to classes based on language proficiency, or matching tutors with students based on subject

Tag users

Add metadata to user profiles for anything you want like grade level, location, preferred language, subject proficiency or anything else.

Filter users

Filter users and generate reports based on their role or any tags you've added to their profile.

Create worfklow rules

Create business logic based on user profiles and tags, like assigning students to classes based on language proficiency, or matching tutors with students based on subject

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