Maximize classroom focus with Fullscreen Apps!

Make the most of your collaborative Space with Fullscreen View on any App in Pencil Spaces.

With Fullscreen view, you can amplify focus and interactivity in your classroom by having interactive apps take up the entire screen. Now, you can make that Google Doc, science experiment or video the center of attention, hiding everything else on the whiteboard.
Fullscreen Apps allow you to:
- Focus attention by making the web viewer, or any app, take up the entire whiteboard — it’s like screenshare, but without losing any interactivity!
- Increase interactivity — with full screen, everything is easier to see and buttons are easier to click. Perfect for increasing engagement.
- Zoom perfectly for everyone in class. No more worrying if you’ve zoomed in enough when people have different screen sizes, fullscreen apps take up…well, the whole screen, for everyone :)
Learn more about how to make your Apps Fullscreen here!
Protip: Use leader mode to take your students into a Fullscreen App View with you!