App Library

Use dozens of the most popular teaching apps and games in Pencil Spaces
App Library

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Use what you love

Your favorite apps on your whiteboard

Bring your favorite teaching apps right onto your whiteboard — from dictionaries to graphing calculators, Canvas to IXL and Quizziz.

Make class interactive

Apps on your whiteboard can be used by everyone in class as if it's on their own computer

Yes, all your favorites

Don't see it in our library? Load any online app with just the URL

Your favorite apps on your whiteboard

Bring your favorite teaching apps right onto your whiteboard — from dictionaries to graphing calculators, Canvas to IXL and Quizziz.

Make class interactive

Apps on your whiteboard can be used by everyone in class as if it's on their own computer

Yes, all your favorites

Don't see it in our library? Load any online app with just the URL

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.