Pencil Spaces for Biology

Hands-on learning for great biology classes

3D anatomy models, population growth simulators, chemical equations and more resources for hands-on learning

Trusted by leaders in education

Tools for Biology

Interactive apps just for Biology

Share interactive virtual experiments, 3D anatomy models, videos and even biology websites that everyone can use together

Resource library of organic chemistry manipulatives

Get thousands of common chemistry resources that you can add to your space — from chemical equations, to periodic tables, to manipulatives like molecules and lab equipment — it's all in Pencil Spaces

Built-in image library

Instantly search for, and add to your class, thousands of professional photographs on every topic and from every part of the world

Interactive apps just for Biology

Share interactive virtual experiments, 3D anatomy models, videos and even biology websites that everyone can use together

Resource library of organic chemistry manipulatives

Get thousands of common chemistry resources that you can add to your space — from chemical equations, to periodic tables, to manipulatives like molecules and lab equipment — it's all in Pencil Spaces

Built-in image library

Instantly search for, and add to your class, thousands of professional photographs on every topic and from every part of the world

Especially for younger kids, Zoom and Google Meet are so limited. On Pencil Spaces, you can share any resource and have the tutor and student both use it. I’m sold on Pencil Spaces’ ability to enhance the instructional experience.

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.
