
Take notes and automatically track attendance for all your events and classes

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Fast and easy attendance tracking

Higher attendance rates

An integrated ecosystem where Spaces talk to schedules means getting to class is easy, and accurately tracking attendance is automatic. Read the case study


Automatically present/late/absent status based on the time each person joined and left the Space down to the minute.

Attendance notes

Quickly jot down notes about students' attendance during class, then reivew them in bulk afterward

Higher attendance rates

An integrated ecosystem where Spaces talk to schedules means getting to class is easy, and accurately tracking attendance is automatic. Read the case study


Automatically present/late/absent status based on the time each person joined and left the Space down to the minute.

Attendance notes

Quickly jot down notes about students' attendance during class, then reivew them in bulk afterward

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.