Online Schools

More engaging lessons, faster classroom setup, simpler scheduling and better analytics.
Pencil Spaces: Digital Classrooms made simple. Award winning tools for teaching online, in-person and everything in between.

Online Schools

More engaging lessons, faster classroom setup, simpler scheduling and better analytics.
Pencil Spaces: Digital Classrooms made simple. Award winning tools for teaching online, in-person and everything in between.

Trusted by leaders in online education

More platforms, more problems.

Multiple tabs, dozens of apps and constant screensharing create a classroom full of distractions.

Countless clicks to find materials, get to class, track attendance and do...anything.

Existing options can’t guarantee student safety and privacy, so you could be liable for privacy mistakes.

Get the perfect place to teach and manage operations with Pencil Spaces.

Empower teachers with a hands-on learning environment.

A virtual classroom with interactivity that's even better than in-person.

Leader Mode

Bring everyone to your location on the whiteboard

Subject specific resources

Hundreds of built-in manipulatives and resources for every subject.

Shareable Web Viewer

Put websites on your whiteboard and use them with multiple people simultaneously.

File Upload

Upload PDFs, PPTX, images, gifs and more right to the whiteboard.

Participant Management

Manage permissions student-by-student for a great classroom experience every time.

Persistent Breakout Rooms

Create separate rooms with their own video calls and saved whiteboards. Perfect for organizing content, one-on-one conversations and group projects.

The safest place to teach

Rest easy knowing you’ve covered all the bases when it comes to privacy and online safety. Pencil Spaces includes safeguarding features for everyone.

The Highest Standards in Compliance


Illicit Content Blocking

We proactively block profanity and slurs.

Teacher Verification

We run background checks on teachers.

Need tech support in the middle of a lesson?

We’re here for you live, 24/7.

Just click a button in the app for support from a real human. We’ll even join your class to help.

Find the ideal platform for your online school with Pencil Spaces.
