
Send chat messages within and across Spaces

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

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Space chat

A shared chat for an entire space where everyone can participate

1:1 Chat

Empower users to chat 1:1 with others in a Space, or to message a user outside the Space — perfect for getting in touch with teachers and administrators in a pinch

Chat management

Delete message, clear chat histories and control who can access chat on a person-by-person basis

Space chat

A shared chat for an entire space where everyone can participate

1:1 Chat

Empower users to chat 1:1 with others in a Space, or to message a user outside the Space — perfect for getting in touch with teachers and administrators in a pinch

Chat management

Delete message, clear chat histories and control who can access chat on a person-by-person basis

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.