Are classes happening on time and lasting the full hour? Create reports that aggregate data on a dozen metrics for everyone in your organizatation — including class start time, hours of live instruction, study time and attention.
Are all students getting an equal chance to talk in class? Now you can view data on stats like speaking time over a given period to spot patterns, find outliers and take action.
Use .CSV files or APIs to move data from Pencil Spaces to your preferred systems for grading, reporting or even payroll.
Are classes happening on time and lasting the full hour? Create reports that aggregate data on a dozen metrics for everyone in your organizatation — including class start time, hours of live instruction, study time and attention.
Are all students getting an equal chance to talk in class? Now you can view data on stats like speaking time over a given period to spot patterns, find outliers and take action.
Use .CSV files or APIs to move data from Pencil Spaces to your preferred systems for grading, reporting or even payroll.