Special Needs Tools

Built-in features and tools to support special needs and neurodivergent students.
Special Needs Tools

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Special tools for special needs

Easier reading

Make use of dyslexic friendly fonts, reading rulers, high-contrast backgrounds and color overlays to make engaging with materails easier.

Executive function tools

Get real-time attention/distraction alerts and add interactive tools like timers, clocks, stop watches and agendas to your Space.

Voice <> Text

Have AI convert everything said into text, and have any text read out loud by the computer — including the Pencil Spaces controls and menus.

Easier reading

Make use of dyslexic friendly fonts, reading rulers, high-contrast backgrounds and color overlays to make engaging with materails easier.

Executive function tools

Get real-time attention/distraction alerts and add interactive tools like timers, clocks, stop watches and agendas to your Space.

Voice <> Text

Have AI convert everything said into text, and have any text read out loud by the computer — including the Pencil Spaces controls and menus.

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.