Annotate anything

Draw on anything — documents, websites, videos, powerpoints and more
Annotate anything

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Make a markup masterpiece

Highlight materials

Highlight documents, circle parts of a website or draw on a screenshare. Pencil Spaces lets your draw on anything added to your whiteboard.

Customize your classroom

Draw, add shapes and upload images to create custome whiteboard designs for special events, holidays or just because.

Draw on websites and video

Draw on live materials like websites, apps movies, and participant videos or screenshares

Highlight materials

Highlight documents, circle parts of a website or draw on a screenshare. Pencil Spaces lets your draw on anything added to your whiteboard.

Customize your classroom

Draw, add shapes and upload images to create custome whiteboard designs for special events, holidays or just because.

Draw on websites and video

Draw on live materials like websites, apps movies, and participant videos or screenshares

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.