
Built-in timers and stopwatches make it easy for you, and your students, to keep an eye on the clock.

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Control Space time

Private timers

Create timers only teachers can see so you can keep track of the time without alerting students

Public timers

Add timers and stopwatches that everyone can see and use so students can time themselves

Create and manage multiple timers

More timers, fewer problems — keep track of different times for different students or activities

Private timers

Create timers only teachers can see so you can keep track of the time without alerting students

Public timers

Add timers and stopwatches that everyone can see and use so students can time themselves

Create and manage multiple timers

More timers, fewer problems — keep track of different times for different students or activities

Find your ideal tutoring space with Pencil Spaces.