Read about our customer, Primavera!
We are leading how students and teachers interact in the online world.
We make it easy for our customers to reach out via live chat or video call.
Open browser, load website, done.
When's the last time you installed an update for a website? That's right, never.
Get valuable insights with feedback from students on their learning experience.
Upload PDFs, PPTX, images, gifs and more right to the whiteboard.
See all your students, all the time, with the most reliable video calls on the web
From super computer to Chrombook, fiber optic to 4G — get a great learning experience regardless of your device or network.
Text boxes and interactive manipulatives in Pencil Spaces use fonts optimized for diverse learners.
No more links or downloads, navigate content spatially by adding it to a space, then duplicating that template to share the same learning experience with new groups of students
Draw on anything — documents, websites, videos, powerpoints and more
Add your custom colors, logos and even support workflows to Pencil Spaces
Launch colorful fireworks and hand out stars to celebrate your students' achievements