Tip Tuesday - More than a whiteboard!

Pencil Spaces Team

Getting the most out of your Whiteboard means getting the most out of your classes. Here are some of our best tips that show how Pencil Spaces gives you more than any other Whiteboard: 

Tip 1: Chat

In Pencil Spaces, the conversation doesn’t have to stop once you click that mute button! The Pencil Spaces Chat allows you to communicate with your student without saying a word. Engage with the entire Space or start one-on-one chats with students.

Tip 2: Drag and Drop Uploads

No matter where you make your content, your classroom is the final destination. Upload files into Pencil Spaces right from your own personal storage and embed it on your board. Paired with the Whiteboard tools, your content can always become a collaborative experience. 

Tip 3: Return to the Center

With an infinite amount of Space to collaborate on the Board, never lose your content with the Back to Center button. No matter how far your students wander on the Whiteboard, the Back to Center button makes it easy for them to find their way back.

Pencil Spaces Team

Find your ideal teaching space with Pencil Spaces.