Multiple tabs, dozens of apps and screensharing create a classroom full of distractions.
Countless clicks to find materials, get to class, track attendance and do...anything.
Existing options can’t guarantee student safety and privacy, so you could be liable for privacy mistakes.
Easily control what students see at all times by turning on Leader Mode, which spotlights your view of the whiteboard for everyone.
Choose from a variety of apps for math, science, and other subjects.
Let every user access the same website or app just like it’s on their own computer.
Upload PDFs, PPTX, images, gifs and more right to the whiteboard.
Manage permissions student-by-student for a great classroom experience every time.
Separate video calls with saved whiteboards — for organizing content, individual work and group projects.
Manage appointments and automatically track attendance without back-and-forth emails or cumbersome spreadsheets.
Keep track of student participation, attendance and attention, all in one app.
Pencil Spaces helps teachers improve through AI-powered feedback.
Rest easy knowing you’ve covered all the bases when it comes to privacy and online safety. Pencil Spaces includes safeguarding features for everyone.
We proactively block profanity and slurs.
We run background checks on teachers.