Breakout Rooms are LIVE! 🚀

Manage Groups with Breakout Rooms.
Breakout rooms let you hold separate video calls with their own saved whiteboards and apps – all at the same time!
Breakout Rooms offer countless ways to approach teaching in a virtual learning environment, from separating students into groups to pulling them aside for a 1-on-1 conversation. Unlike other virtual classrooms, every breakout room comes with its own video call and its own whiteboards, so that every group’s work is saved and shareable. With Breakout Rooms in Pencils, you have the power to easily adapt the layout of your Space to the needs of your classroom.
Breakout Rooms are great for:
- Group projects – With breakout rooms you can give students a chance to collaborate on specific projects with their own set of whiteboards, documents, apps and video calls, all saved in the Space.
- Individual studying – Try assigning each student to a dedicated Breakout Room where they can work on assignments without any external distractions from other students or conversations.
- Discussion groups – Promote class engagement with discussion groups. Pose a question to the class, assign Breakout Rooms for group discussions, and then bring students back to the main room to share insights.
Learn more about how to use Breakout Rooms here!
Protip: Messages travel across breakout rooms, so if your students need help, just have them direct message you using the Pencil Spaces chat!